Maverick Muji & Nonny – Ngimtholile



“Ngimtholile” by Maverick Muji and Nonny is a lively and danceable Amapiano track that exudes energy and charisma.

Maverick Muji and Nonny collaborate to create a rhythm-filled and groove-inducing track filled with infectious beats, catchy melodies, and an atmosphere of celebration. The song invites the listener to dance and enjoy the vibrant rhythm.

The lyrics of “Ngimtholile” convey a message of discovery and celebration, expressing the joy of finding that special person and reveling in the experience.

The track captures the universal experience of dancing and celebrating good times.

With its energetic and charismatic delivery, “Ngimtholile” is poised to become a favorite on playlists for parties, gatherings, and moments of pure joy, offering a taste of the lively and dance-inducing nature of Amapiano music.

Maverick Muji & Nonny – Ngimtholile

Maverick Muji & Nonny –